You and your family’s safety should always come first. The principles of self-defense have been developed to keep your property, family, and yourself safe at all times, and nothing should compromise that.
If you want to safeguard your house against intrusions of all natures, you may want to consider installing a safe room. This can be an expensive process, but it will bring you peace of mind. Plus, it will ensure that if the unthinkable ever happens, you and your loved ones will be well prepared to make it out unscathed.
The good news is that you can try out a variety of safe room simulations to figure out which style would work best for the situation you’re most likely to face.
You’ll also need to think about what you’ll be keeping in your safe room.
For ultimate safety, here’s what an Ultimate Survival Kit would look like.
Table of Contents
Why Use A Safe Room Simulation?
Safe room simulations provide many advantages to homeowners and security fanatics alike. They allow you to test out different safe room styles and models virtually, so you choose the one that will protect you from the forms of invasion or danger you’re most likely to face.
They can also prepare you and your family for any eventuality by simulating several events with no real-life risks involved. This will enable you to plan for home invasions, natural disasters, and other dangers, and to determine relevant time frames for a safe and rapid escape.
How To Build a Safe Room: Start With Planning
Here are 10 simulations you can try before taking the plunge:
Home Invasion Rooms
A home invasion room (or classic safe room) is a fortified room that an individual or family can lock themselves in to minimize contact with intruders.
These rooms are very secure, and are built to withstand robberies, home invasions, and armed assailants. They can be easily constructed within an existing room and are often disguised to avoid easy detection or serve as a dual-purpose space, such as a closet. They may be used for storing valuables that would be vulnerable during a break in.
Most homeowners choose this option to keep their families and precious possessions safe in case of intrusion.
Smoke-Proof Rooms
A smoke-proof safe room can keep you safe from fires and potentially deadly smoke inhalation. These rooms are equipped with water and medical supplies, powerful air filters, and temperature control systems to guard inhabitants against fire hazards in every scenario.
Terrorist Attack Rooms
Those who are wary of terrorist attacks or live in areas that have been targeted often opt safe rooms tailored for this purpose.
These safe rooms allow their occupants to wait out attacks for weeks, or even months at a time, and house food, water, electricity, medical supplies, communication tools, and air filters to filter out airborne contaminants and dust. They’re also particularly well-fortified to withstand attacks from assault weapons and bombs.
Supply Rooms
You could consider installing a safe room specially designed to house supplies in case of food, water, or medical supply shortages, or civil wars. These rooms are equipped with shelving and secure storage for significant amounts of vital supplies.
Nuclear Rooms
This may seem like something you’d only encounter in a video game or post-apocalyptic film, but nuclear safe rooms do exist in the real world.
They’re engineered to protect inhabitants from nuclear fallout and use specialized filters and protective materials to keep you safe from radiation. Be warned—nuclear safe rooms are not cheap to construct!
Hurricane & Tornado Safe Rooms
Many homes built in hurricane and tornado zones have custom safe rooms built into their centers. They can be used as a secure location to sit out a severe or life-threatening storm. They’re built with steel reinforcements and highly fortified masonry to withstand hazardous weather events.
They can typically be used for a few days; just long enough for a typical storm to pass. This means they’re based mainly on structural strength, and often lack communication technology, power, plumbing, and air purification systems. Instead, they contain enough food, water, and medical supplies to sustain you until the hurricane or tornado has blown over.
Panic Rooms
Many folks who are wealthy, famous, or politically important have panic rooms installed in their homes. These top-tier safe rooms have virtually impenetrable doors and allow occupants to safely and comfortably wait out a variety of threats for as long as a week or two.
They offer purified water and air sources, independent power supply, security monitors, communication systems, and impenetrable exteriors. They can prevent kidnapping and hostage situations, and are usually expensive to construct as a result.
Camera-Equipped Safe Rooms
Having cameras installed inside your safe room can give you another major advantage in the event of a crisis. You can use your surveillance equipment to monitor your home or the immediate outside world until you can confirm that a threat has left, died down, or been apprehended by law enforcement. This will ensure your safety when you leave and eliminates the guesswork of when it’s safe to do so.
Secret Safe Rooms
Secret safe rooms give you a notable advantage over attackers. Only you will know where your hidden room is located, and it should be built in a location that gives you rapid and unobstructed access in case of emergencies. The obscured nature of these rooms will prevent most assailants from being able to find your hiding place.
Community Rooms
Community safe rooms are designed to keep entire communities of people safe from a variety of threats. They tend to be installed in town halls and community centers, but if you’re a mayor, senator, or someone of great local importance, you may have a community safe room installed on your personal property.
Naturally, these rooms house hefty amounts of food, medical supplies, and communication gear to sustain dozens of people. They’re usually built on request according to how many people they may need to house during a crisis.
Take The Virtual Route Before You Build
Installing a safe room in your home or on your property is no easy feat. These rooms are built to withstand nearly every threat imaginable, and the room you’ll need should be based on your specific needs, location, and circumstances.
Using a safe room simulation can help you determine which room will be best for your needs, and how you can use it in the most efficient way possible. You can use a simulation to figure out escape timing plans, draw up lists of necessary supplies, and proactively protect yourself from many different security hazards.
By using a simulation, you’ll be confident in your decision when you choose to front the money and have a safe room installed in your home.
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